Navigon Mobile Navigation Review

Product Review
Product: Navigon GPS by Garmin
Description: GPS for iPhone with bluetooth and NA maps
Price: $59.99 USD with all North America maps
The Good: Nice visuals, easy to use, easy to read on screen info includes speed limits, and current speed
The Bad: Difficult to program multi leg trips, extra costs with in app purchases


When I started looking for a GPS unit for my motorcycle, the research was very lengthy and took me into areas that I wasn’t prepared to go. I didn’t want to spend more than 150 dollars, or compromising on the screen size and resolution that older units have. I wanted to use the GPS for moto touring, be able to use with a car, be easy to use and have flexibility with mounting, charging. It must come with updatable maps or even include lifetime updates, have Bluetooth capability to connect to my helmet, be visually appealing and easy to read, allow me to change paths and have it recalculate, mount to my bike and charge while riding. I am only going to use it in North America so having global capability was not important. I like having Points of Interest capability as well as finding gas stations, restaurants, etc.

My research started pointing me to older models that have bright screens, are made for motorcycles, include touch capability… my short list was longer than this review!

I decided to take a different path and look for a smartphone app. After trying a couple of free apps, I went for Navigon Mobile Navigator by Garmin. It is available for iPhone, Windows Mobile and Android. It costs 49.99 for the iPhone and includes USA maps for 2 years, but for 10 more, you get all NA including Canada. There are in app purchases available… but that is where they get you, you don’t need to buy any of them. They have live traffic as an in app purchase, but I just use Google maps for that… and its free.

Here are the features that I like.

  • Nice visuals for route guidance. When on the interstate, multiple lane choices show you which lane to be in.
  • Speed limit setting. I have mine set to warn me when going 15 or 20 MPH over the speed limit. You can always see the posted speed limit (great feature) and go over the limit to pass people or what not. But when you exceed your set limit, it will warn you. I use this feature to warn me when the speed limits drop down in unexpected places.
  • Downloadable maps so you can use your GPS where no data is available. The iPhone works with its built in GPS and not service anywhere the sky is visible. Nice feature that on a bike is essential since we are always in the middle of no service heaven. J
  • Integrates with contacts so you can set destinations and route very quickly.
  • You can create custom routes with multiple points, but I haven’t figured out how to do this easily. I used this feature once.
  • Direct help can find essential services wherever you are with phone numbers and addresses included for police, pharmacy, hospital or roadside assistance.
  • On screen shows actual speed, distance to destination, speed limit, next turn, current road, visual map, lane choices, distance to next turn
  • I bought the Cockpit app (in app purchase), but haven’t played with it yet. It will give off road stats, g forces, and more.

I liked using Navigon so much that I now use it even when riding around town or on shorter trips. It’s really nice to have speed limit and the map display to include the current speed at all times. I use the visual map to see when turns are coming up or when the road is going to be straight for passing, etc. The one gripe that I have, is I’d like to be able to browse the map and simply click or touch to set destination. Oh… I see they’ve just added that capability! This is why I chose to go the smart phone route, they will update and add features at no charge and with little effort you get a better product! Sweet.

Typically I stay away from expensive apps for the iPhone, but in this case you really get what you paid for and when it comes to GPS and Moto touring through areas where typical apps stop working, the Garmin Navagon Mobile Navigator is a very useful app and a must have for moto touring. I definitely recommend this product, however only give 4 out of 5 trophys because I’d like free lifetime maps, easier interface to create custom maps with multiple interim destinations (can I create the map online and download to my phone?).

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